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If a student violates any of the rules and regulations of the camp it can result in being sent home early without a refund.


  • Students must stay on campus throughout the program.

  • Students may only withdraw from the program with their parent or guardian's consent and must be picked up immediately.

  • Students who bring a vehicle to campus must obtain a parking permit from the OBA Office and turn in the keys until the end of the program. Students are expected not to be in any vehicle during their stay.

  • Students must comply with all residence hall rules and cooperate with residence hall counselors, supervisors, and Business Week Staff.

  • OBA offers same-gender housing. Special accommodations can be made on an as-needed and case-by-case basis. Students must indicate they need accommodation before June 1st.

  • Students are not allowed to visit other dorm rooms throughout the camp.  

  • For the safety of your belongings, be sure to lock your dorm room when you are not present. OBA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  • Please respect all campus property. Do not hang out of or throw objects from windows. You will be financially responsible for any damage or injury you cause.


  • Students are expected to be responsible, appropriate, respectful, and engaged during OBA.

  • Cell phones are allowed but must be turned off or not used during all program sessions, speakers, company meetings, etc. unless otherwise approved by Business Week Staff.

  • Students must abide by the schedule put forth by OBA in regard to attendance, participation, and residence hall quiet hours. If a student needs to be excused from an activity due to illness or injury, he or she must contact Business Week Staff.

  • Students are expected to use social media in a responsible and respectful manner during OBA. This includes refraining from using social media to bully, harass, or defame other students, staff, or volunteers at OBA. Additionally, students should be mindful of their online behavior and its potential impact on the reputation of OBA. 


  • Students must wear appropriate clothing at Business Week, ensuring that the front, back, and sides of the body are adequately covered. Clothing with inappropriate words or graphics is not permitted. Students are expected to wear Professional Business Attire on Wednesday afternoon and evening for mock interviews, headshots and an etiquette dinner, as well as all day Friday, when they will present their business plans to Judges from the business community.  Professional Business Attire includes blazers, slacks, skirts, office-appropriate dresses and sports jackets.

  • Cheating, plagiarism, or unethical behavior during OBA is unacceptable.

  • Alcohol, non-prescription drugs, and weapons are not permitted. OBA reserves the right to perform random dorm room checks. Students in violation of OBA's policies may be sent home at any time during the program without a refund.

  • OBA maintains an environment where harassment or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. No staff member, volunteer or program participant shall harass another based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, national origin, citizenship, veteran or marital status, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, physical or mental disability or any other legally protected status.

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