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Gracias por confiar en nosotros para guiar e inspirar a sus hijos durante la Semana Empresarial. ¡Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de su experiencia en el campamento tanto como nosotros! Queremos conocer sus comentarios para poder seguir mejorando. Complete esta breve encuesta y háganos saber su opinión.



Su información
What session did your student complete?
Did you find the pre-camp information provided clear and helpful in preparing your child for OBA Business Week?

No muy


How would you rate the overall quality of the OBA Business Week?

Por debajo de las expectativas


Do you believe that your child benefited from participating in OBA Business Week in terms of personal growth and development?

No, realmente no

Sí, significativamente

Would you recommend OBA Business Week to other parents and their children?
Considering your child's experience with OBA Business Week, how likely are you to sign your child up for any future programs offered by OBA?

Muy poco probable

Muy probable

Would you be interested in helping to scholarship a student with financial-need to attend Business Week next year?
Would you like additional information on Oregon State Universities College of Business?
Was the fact that Business Week was held at OSU a determining factor in selecting this camp?

Your submission has been received! We will be in touch soon. Please add the domain to your safe senders list to make sure all emails reach your inbox.

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